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- Goodput degradation in rate-limited systems
- Fighting against duplication
- Sweating the small stuff
- Persuasion through collaboration
- Do not assume ill intent
- If it ain't broke, fix it?
- ★ Thoughts on client-side platforms
- An example of "a little copying is better than a little dependency"
- On high level abstractions
- How to Solve It: AWS Copilot's Progress Tracker
- What's worked for me for the past five years
- Data and Go package design
- A deep dive into the Go YAML library with CloudFormation
- ★ Technical debt
- Minimizing architectural debt against a looming deadline
- Exposing interfaces in Go
- Notes on "You and Your Research" by Hamming (1995)
- When to add context to errors
- Move a variable's unit to a type
- Transform function to method
- Refactorings in the Go Programming Language
- ★ Send code reviews to junior engineers
- Choosing a new team
- Domain Knowledge vs. Technical Skill
- Client-side row versioning in DynamoDB